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IOOF: 1st International Online Organ festival

The IOOF is a kind of mini-Netflix for organ films from all over the world with concerts, documentaries,  educational films and interviews which were broadcast from April 18 to May 1, 2022. 

The Festival is under the patronage of Kent Nagano, Norbert Lammert and the German UNESCO Commission.


At the heart of the festival are more than 30 concert films, available as video on demand on the IOOF website at

Film List Page - International Online Organ Festival 2022 (


Here is the concert at the Meyerson Symphony Hall in Dallas, Texas

Dallas Symphony Hall with Stephen Tharp - International Online Organ Festival 2022 (


and the Q&A with composer George Baker:

SPECIAL: US Composers – Glass/Adams/Baker – Steinbach/Juilliard/Tharp - International Online Organ Festival 2022 (


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